California Safe Schools Honors Sun Valley Middle School
Since winning the prestigious Green Flag Award last year, Sun Valley Middle School has strengthened its existing on-campus award-related programs and also has begun the implementation of an ambitious campus-wide public-private partnership comprehensive campus recycling program.
"Stash Your Trash" is our incentive-based campus cleanliness program, designed to make our campus beautiful and at the same time help with Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Students "caught" disposing of their trash (rather than littering or doing nothing with it) are given a ticket to enter in a raffle for weekly prizes. We have a renewed sense of purpose with this two year old program since our Green Flag, and we have loudly made it re-known that this program is a success and a great thing.
Our new recycling program, created and run by our amazing Leadership program and its award winning advisors, Stephen Franklin and Samu Kadur, was made possible by generous donations and help from Waste Management, Inc. (WM) and the City Of Los Angeles. WM has provided for us hundreds of recycling containers for every classroom and office. There are containers for paper and plastic. The City has given us collection bins on wheels, which our Leadership students will use to collect the recyclables on a regular basis. The materials collected will be sold and the funds generated will enhance our Student Body Fund.

Sun Valley Middle School
Jeff Davis, Principal
Stephen Franklin & Samu Kadur, Leadership
(818) 765-3010
Or |
Robina Suwol, Executive Director
California Safe Schools